Tag: Scan Strategy

Custom Scan Strategies in SLM / L-PBF with PySLM: Sinusoidal Scanning

Building upon the previous post that provided a detailed breakdown for creating custom island scan strategies, this further post documents a method for deploying custom ‘hatch’ infills. This is particularly desirable capability sought by researchers and has been touched upon very little in the current research. The use of unit-cell infills or in particular fractal filling curves such as the Hilbert curve have been sought for better controlling the thermal history and melt pool stability of hatch infills.

This has been previously explored in SLS [1]][2] and in SLM on a previous collaborators at the University of Nottingham investigating Fractal scanning strategy [3][4].

Typically, hatch infills are sequences of linear lines that form the the ‘hatch’ pattern. Practically, these are very efficient mechanism for infilling a 2D area by using 1D line elements when rastering a laser. Clipping of lines within polygons is intuitive. As discussed there are various scan strategies that can be employed to generate variations on this infill – i.e. stripe, checkerboard/island scan strategy and also modifying the order or sorting of the hatch vectors.

Geometrical scan strategies that adapt the infill based on the underlying geometry, i.e. lattices are acknowledges as ways for drastically improving the performance and the quality of these characteristic structures. This would be based on some medial-axis approach. This post will not specifically delve into this, rather, demonstrate an approach for custom infills on bulk regions.

Ultimately, drastically changing the behavior of the underlying hatch infill has not really been explored. This post will demonstrate an example that could be employed and explored as part of future research.

Custom Sinusoidal Approach

Sinusoidal scanning has been employed in welding research [5] and also in direct energy deposition (DED) [6][7][8] in order to improve the stability and quality of the joining or manufacturing process.

The process of generating this particular scan strategy requires some careful thought to improve the efficiency of the generation, especially given the overall increase in number of points require to essentially ‘sample’ across the sin curve.

The implementation requires subclassing the Hatcher class, by re-implementing the BaseHatcher.generateHatching and the BaseHatcher.hatch methods.

Unlike, the normal hatch vectors, the sinusoidal pattern has to be treated as a series of connected line segments, without any jumping. This requires using the ContourGeometry representation to efficiently store the discretised curve. As a result, the Hatcher.hatch method has to be re-implemented to take account of this.

The procedure builds upon previous methods to define customer behavior (see previous post). The first steps are to define a local coordinate system x' and y' for generating the individual sin curve. A sine curve y' = A \sin(k x') is generated to fill the region bounding box accordingly, given a frequency and amplitude parameter along x'.

The number of points used to discretise the sine curve is determined by \delta x. This needs to be chosen to suit the parameters for the periodicity and amplitude of the sine curve. A reasonable compromise is require as this will severely impact both the performance of clipping these curves, but also the overall file size of the build file generated.

dx = self._discretisation # num points per mm
numPoints = 2*bboxRadius * dx

x = np.arange(-bboxRadius, bboxRadius, hatchSpacing, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 1)
hatches = x.copy()

Generate the sinusoidal curve along the local coordinate system x' and y'. These will be later tiled and then
transformed across the entire coordinate space.
xDash = np.linspace(-bboxRadius, bboxRadius, int(numPoints))
yDash = self._amplitude * np.sin(2.0*np.pi * self._frequency * xDash)

We replicate and transform the sine curve along adjacent paths and transform along the y-direction
y = np.tile(yDash, [x.shape[0], 1])
y += x

x = np.tile(xDash, [x.shape[0],1]).flatten()
y = y.ravel()

After generating single sine curve, numpy.tile is used to efficiently replicate the curve to fill the entire bounding box region. Each curve is then translated by an increment defined by x, to represent the effective hatch spacing or hatch distance.

The next important step is to define the sort order for scanning these. This is slightly different, in that the sort order is done per line segment used to discretise the curve. This is subtle, but very important because this ensures that the curves when clipped by the slice boundary are scanned in the same prescribed sequential order.

The increment of 1\times10^5 is used in order to potentially differentiate each curve later, if required.

# Seperate the z-order index per group
inc = np.arange(0, 10000*(xDash.shape[0]), 10000).astype(np.int64).reshape(-1,1)
zInc = np.tile(inc, [1,hatches.shape[0]]).flatten()
z += zInc

coords = np.hstack([x.reshape(-1, 1),
                    y.reshape(-1, 1),
                    z.reshape(-1, 1)])

Following the generation of these sinusoidal curves, a transformation matrix is applied accordingly, before these are clipped in the Hatcher.hatch method.

The next crucial difference, that has been implemented from PySLM version 0.3, is a new clipping method, BaseHatcher.clipContourLines. The following method is different from BaseHatcher.clipLines, in that clips ContourGeometry separately. This is important for keeping the scan vectors separate and in the correct order, which would be otherwise difficult to achieve. The clipped results are implicitly separated into contour geometry groups.

hatches = self.generateHatching(paths, self._hatchDistance, layerHatchAngle)

clippedPaths = self.clipContourLines(paths, hatches)

# Merge the lines together
if len(clippedPaths) > 0:
    for path in clippedPaths:
        clippedLines = np.vstack(path) 
        clippedLines = clippedLines[:,:2]
        contourGeom = ContourGeometry()

        contourGeom.coords = clippedLines.reshape(-1, 2)


The next step is to sort the clipped paths into the right order. This is done by using the 1st value of 3rd index column accordingly sorting using sorted with a lambda function.

Sort the sinusoidal vectors based on the 1st coordinate's sort id (column 3). This only sorts individual paths
rather than the contours internally.            
clippedPaths = sorted(clippedPaths, key=lambda x: x[0][2])

Now, the result of the sinusoidal scan strategy can be visualised below.

Sinusoidal Hatch Scan Strategy for Selective Laser Melting - PySLM
Sinusoidal Hatch Scan Strategy for Selective Laser Melting – PySLM

This approach currently is very intensive to generate during the clipping operation, due to the number of edges along each clipping operation. Using the previous techniques with the island scan strategy in a previous post, could be use to amorotise a lot of the cost of clipping.

Example Script

The script is available on github at examples/example_custom_sinusoidal_scanning.py


1 Yang, J., Bin, H., Zhang, X., & Liu, Z. (2003). Fractal scanning path generation and control system for selective laser sintering (SLS). International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 43(3), 293–300. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0890-6955(02)00212-2
2 Ma, L., & Bin, H. (2006). Temperature and stress analysis and simulation in fractal scanning-based laser sintering. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 34(9–10), 898–903. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-006-0665-5
3 Catchpole-Smith, S., Aboulkhair, N., Parry, L., Tuck, C., Ashcroft, I. A., & Clare, A. (2017). Fractal scan strategies for selective laser melting of ‘unweldable’ nickel superalloys. Additive Manufacturing, 15, 113–122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2017.02.002
4 Sebastian, R., Catchpole-Smith, S., Simonelli, M., Rushworth, A., Chen, H., & Clare, A. (2020). ‘Unit cell’ type scan strategies for powder bed fusion: The Hilbert fractal. Additive Manufacturing, 36(July), 101588. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2020.101588
5 Tongtong Liu, Zhongyan Mu, Renzhi Hu, Shengyong Pang,
Sinusoidal oscillating laser welding of 7075 aluminum alloy: Hydrodynamics, porosity formation and optimization, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 140, 2019, Pages 346-358, ISSN 0017-9310, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.05.111
6 Cao, Y., Zhu, S., Liang, X., & Wang, W. (2011). Overlapping model of beads and curve fitting of bead section for rapid manufacturing by robotic MAG welding process. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 27(3), 641–645. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rcim.2010.11.002
7 Zhang, W., Tong, M., & Harrison, N. M. (2020). Scanning strategies effect on temperature, residual stress and deformation by multi-laser beam powder bed fusion manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing, 36(June), 101507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2020.101507
8 Ding, D., Pan, Z., Cuiuri, D., & Li, H. (2015). A multi-bead overlapping model for robotic wire and arc additive manufacturing (WAAM). Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 31, 101–110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rcim.2014.08.008

Improving Performance of Island Checkerboard Scan Strategy Hatching in PySLM

The hatching performance of PySLM using ClipperLib via PyClipper is reasonably good considering the age of the library using the Vatti polygon clipping algorithm. Without attempting to optimise the underlying library and clipping algorithm for most scenarios, the hatch clipping process should be sufficient for most use case. Future investigation will explore alternative clipping algorithms to further improve the performance of this intensive computational process

For the unfamiliar with the basic hatching process of a single layer, the laser or electron beam (a 1D single point source) must scan across an aerial (2D) region. This is done by creating a series of lines/vectors which infill or raster across the surface.

The most basic form of hatch infill for bulk regions is an alternating, meander, or in some locales referred to a serpentine scan strategy. This tends to be undesirable in SLM due to the creation of localised heat build-up [1] resulting in porosity, poor surface finish [2], residual stress and resultant distortion and anisotropy due to preferential grain growth [3]. Stripe or Island scan strategies are employed in attempt to mitigate these by limiting the length of scan vectors used across a region [4][5][6]. Within the layer hatch vectors for each island are oriented orthogonal to each other and the scan vector length can be precisely controlled in order to reduce the magnitude of residual stresses generated [7].

However, when the user desires a stripe or an island scan strategy, the number of clipping operations for the individual hatch vectors increases drastically. The increase in number of clipping operations increases due to division of the area into fixed size regions corresponding to the desired scan vector length (typically 5 mm)]:

  • Standard Meander Scan Strategy: n_{clip} \propto \frac{A}{hatchDistance(h_d)}
  • Stripe Scan Strategy: n_{clip} \propto \frac{A}{StripeWidth}
  • Island Scan Strategy: n_{clip} \propto \frac{A}{IslandWidth^2}

As can be observed, the performance of hatching with an island scan strategy degrades rapidly when using the island scan due to reciprocal square. As a result, using a naive approach, hatching a very large planar region using an island scan strategy could quickly result in 100,000+ clipping operations for a single layer for a large flat. In addition, this is irrespective of the sparsity of the layer geometry. The way the hatch filling approach works in PySLM, the maximum extent of a contour/polygon region is found. A circle is projected based on this maximum extent, and an outer bounding box is covered. This is explained in a previous post.

The scan vectors are tiled across the region. The reason behind this is to guarantee complete coverage irrespective of the chosen hatch angle, \theta_h, across the layer and largely simplifies the computation. The issue is that many regions will be outside the boundary of the part. Sparse regions both void and solid will not require additional clipping.

The Proposed Technique:

In summary, the proposed technique takes advantage that each island is regular, and therefore each island can be used to discretise the region. This can be used to perform intersection tests for region that may be clipped, whilst recycling existing hatch vectors for those within the interior boundary.

Given that use an island scan strategy provides essentially structured grid, this can be easily transformed into a a method for selecting regions. Using the shapely library, each island boundary consisting of 4 edges can be quickly tested to check if it overlaps internally with the solid part and also intersected with the boundary. This is an efficient operation to perform, despite shapely (libGEOS) being not as efficient as PyClipper.

from shapely.geometry.polygon import LinearRing, Polygon

intersectIslands = []
overlapIslands = []

intersectIslandsSet = set()
overlapIslandsSet= set()

for i in range(len(islands)):
    island = islands[i]
    s = Polygon(LinearRing(island[:-1]))

    if poly.overlaps(s):
        overlapIslandsSet.add(i) # id

    if poly.intersects(s):
        intersectIslandsSet.add(i)  # id

# Perform difference between the python sets
unTouchedIslandSet = intersectIslandsSet-overlapIslandsSet
unTouchedIslands = [islands[i] for i in unTouchedIslandSet]

This library is used because the user may re-test the same polygon consecutively, unlike re-building the polygon state in ClipperLib. Ultimately, this presents three unique cases:

  1. Non-Intersecting (shapely.polygon.intersects(island) == False) – The Island resides outside of the boundary and is discarded,
  2. Intersecting (shapely.polygon.intersects(island) == True) – The Island is in an internal region, but may be also clipped by the boundary,
  3. Clipped (shapely.polygon.intersects(island) == True) – The island intersects with the boundary and requires clipping.

PySLM - Clipping of island regions when generating Island Scan Strategies for Selective Laser Melting
The result is shown here for a simple 200 mm square filled with 5 mm islands:

Taking the difference between cases 2) and 3), the islands with hatch scan vectors can be generated without requiring unnecessary clipping of the interior scan vectors. As a result this significantly reduces the computational effort required.

Although extreme, the previous example generated a total number of 2209 5 mm islands to cover the entire region. The breakdown of the island intersections are:

  1. Non-intersecting islands: 1591 (72%),
  2. Non-clipped islands: 419 (19%),
  3. Clipped islands: 199 (9%).

With respect to solid regions, the number of clipped islands account for 32% of the total area. The overall result is shown below. The total area of the hatch region that was hatched is 1.97 \times 10^3 \ mm^2, which is equivalent to a square length of 445 mm, significantly larger than what is capable on most commercial SLM systems. Using an island size of 5 mm with an 80 μm hatch spacing, the approximate hatching time is 6.5 s on a modest laptop system. For this example, 780 000 hatch vectors were generated.

PySLM - A close-up view showing the clipped scan vectors using the more efficient island scan strategy.
A close up view showing the 5mm Island Hatching with 0.8 mm Hatch Distance. Blue Lines show the overall path traversed by the laser beam. The total time taken for hatching was approximately 8 seconds.

The order of hatching scanned is shown by the blue lines, which trace the midpoints of the vectors. Hatches inside the island are scanned sequentially. The order of scanning in this case is chosen to go vertically upwards and then horizontally across using the in-built Python 3 sorting function with a lambda expression Remarkably, all performed using one line:

sortedIslands = sorted(islands, key=lambda island: (island.posId[0], island.posId[1]) )

A future post will elaborate further methods for sorting hatch vectors and island groups.

Comparison to Original Implementation:

The following is a non-scientific benchmark performed to illustrate the performance profile of the proposed method in PySLM.

Island Size [mm]Original Method Time [s]Proposed Method Time [s]
Approximate benchmark comparing Island Hatching Techniques in PySLM

It is clearly evident that the proposed method reduces the overall time by 1-2 orders for hatching a region. What is strange is that with the new proposed method, the overall time increases with the island size.

Generally it is expected that the number of clipping operations n_{clip} to be the following:

n_{clip} \propto \frac{Perimiter}{IslandWidth}

Potentially, this allows bespoke complex ‘sub-island’ scan strategies to be employed without a significant additional cost because scan vectors within un-clipped island regions can be very quickly replicated across the layer.

Other Benefits

The other benefits of taking approach is making a more modular object orientated approach for generating island based strategies, which don’t arbitrarily follow regular structured patterns. A future article will illustrate further explain the procedures for generating these.

The example can be seen and run in examples/example_island_hatcher.py in the Github repository.


1 Parry, L. A., Ashcroft, I. A., & Wildman, R. D. (2019). Geometrical effects on residual stress in selective laser melting. Additive Manufacturing, 25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2018.09.026
2 Valente, E. H., Gundlach, C., Christiansen, T. L., & Somers, M. A. J. (2019). Effect of scanning strategy during selective laser melting on surface topography, porosity, and microstructure of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 9(24). https://doi.org/10.3390/app9245554
3, 4 Zhang, W., Tong, M., & Harrison, N. M. (2020). Scanning strategies effect on temperature, residual stress and deformation by multi-laser beam powder bed fusion manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing, 36(June), 101507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2020.101507
5 Ali, H., Ghadbeigi, H., & Mumtaz, K. (2018). Effect of scanning strategies on residual stress and mechanical properties of Selective Laser Melted Ti6Al4V. Materials Science and Engineering A, 712(October 2017), 175–187. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2017.11.103
6 Robinson, J., Ashton, I., Fox, P., Jones, E., & Sutcliffe, C. (2018). Determination of the effect of scan strategy on residual stress in laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing, 23(February), 13–24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2018.07.001
7 Mercelis, P., & Kruth, J.-P. (2006). Residual stresses in selective laser sintering and selective laser melting. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 12(5), 254–265. https://doi.org/10.1108/13552540610707013