PySLM 0.4

PySLM is a more frequent update to the library with few additions, due to mainly resolving issues fixing several bugs including suggestions and feedback from several users along the way. I wish to thank them personally for their support along the way, as it does help improve the PySLM library for everyone.

The release primarily includes a new analysis Iterator feature that provides a set of classes for iterating across the layer geometry definitions. This builds upon previous work in the previous version of the c++ libSLM, however, for reference been implemented in Python.This includes iterating across individual LayerGeometry regions via LayerGeometryIterator and Scan Vectors via ScanvVectorIterator. Useful for simulation and numerical studies is the ScanIterator class that aims to replicate the spatial position and laser parameters across time given the laser input. This is particularly useful for numerical simulations for predicting the thermal and thermo-mechanical behaviour during the process. The exposure points generated in ScanIterator class are based on a timestep, that can be controlled directly via the analysis or exported to a .csv file for use by an external program. The infrastructure behind the iterators was derived for efficient generation and computation using a tree structure for caching data.

Another nice feature of note is the correct visualisation of scan paths based on their true scanning order across both hatch and contour scan geometry using the new visualise function plotSequential as described in detail in a previous post. This includes a nicer visualisation of jump vectors that was previous missing.

Another example for generating parametric studies is included to support research on the development of process parameters for new materials on machine systems, in conjunction with DOE tools available in python.

Once again the support module has been put on hold, whilst investigating and researching a more efficient approach for isolating support regions and generating their assigned support geometry regions.

The release finally marks a small achievement in getting an automatic build system in place used Github Actions for compiling and publishing the python packages to PyPi repository, for both most versions (3.5-3.9) of Python on both Windows and Mac OS X.

Finally, the complete release log may be found on github at pyslm/CHANGELOG.MD.

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